You got an email notice that you have a new voicemail message, but how do you actually retrieve the voicemail?
With NumberBarn, your voicemail messages are delivered within your NumberBarn account online or via our mobile app or directly to your email as an mp3 audio file. Options to download, save and forward the voicemail are also available.
Here's how to check your voicemail:
Check voicemail from your email
When your email notifications are set to "on" from within your NumberBarn account, you will receive an mp3 voicemail message file to your email address. You can then listen to the voicemail from your email. To learn how to enable your voicemail notifications, visit: Voicemail Notifications To Your Email.
We store your voicemail messages on our server for 90 days. If you'd like to keep the message longer than 90 days, save the file to your computer. Saving it in your email will not save it to your computer. (The above video says 60 days but we've since increased that limit. Yay!)
Check voicemail from your online account
You can listen to your voicemail messages when logged into your NumberBarn account on a desktop, mobile browser or using our mobile app.
To listen on a computer, phone or mobile app:
Select Call Logs from within your account
Find the Voicemail icon to the right of your call
Click the icon to play your message
Check voicemail from the mobile application
To check your voicemail from the mobile application check out the following article:
How to listen to voicemail messages in the NumberBarn mobile application
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