Have you tried our new number search?
As of July 29, we have a new, revamped telephone number search on our website. We're hoping it's easier than ever to find a fantastic vanity telephone number.
If you need help, check out our guide that walks you through the search functionality:
How to Find the Perfect Number
I'd love to hear any feedback you have -- good, bad or otherwise. It's all appreciated.
To be honest with you i want to share my personal experience about the new search engine.
Maybe better looking yes but better and easier search to customers is no !
Is way complicated than old one to search ! I do have previously IT experience and still not easy to search numbers specially once they all mixed between Usa/Canada. No reason to Canadian potential buyers see Usa numbers! Just making way harder confusing and less options they can see to choose the right number from ! I can imagine how hard to buyers who have no experience or they not sure how to search correctly! Search engine need to be easier as possible to buyers and not make it more complicated !
I can confirm we have way less sales after new search launched !
Also reported multiple issues long time ago but never fixed or updated !
Just do your home work to compare sales before and after and see if you guys can see if i'm right .
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Alex We are delighted to have another Community member providing valuable feedback! In addition to US numbers appearing in Canadian search results, could you provide more details on the other issues you mentioned? It would be helpful to know if others are encountering the same challenges.
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1. Once you search Canadian numbers instant to see more available options potential buyers can see and may like it they see only 4 numbers and not relevant Prime Spellings / best / results sections of USA numbers they not need ! Everything mixed there
2. Once you click more results to see more options only shoeing 12 options and you need change manually for more but the problem is the small icon with show located in the corner and not really visible and on top of that the icon chat with Hi . need any help hiding half of that so many people cannot see this option to see more options. Also even if you change to 100 for example and make some change on search your selection goin to default again and showing only 12 numbers !
3. No more notifications regarding completed sales . Only pending one .Reported multiple times about that as well . Confusing because never know if completed or not .
This everything i can remember at the moment but best way just is compare sales to the new search and old one .
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Alex Gold star for the thorough explanation! Thank you for taking the time to share this with us and for feeling comfortable enough to do so. While we may not be able to accommodate every change request, we are always open to considering them. We'll make sure to review points 1 and 2 above. Regarding your last point, a fix was implemented last week, please let us know if you're not seeing improvements on your end.
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Sounds good . thanks a lot !
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Thanks to you as well!
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