Delete SMS
For Numberbarn,
1. Please add an option to delete SMS/Voicemail/CallLog after forwarding and/or after some specific time. Or add a link in the forwarding email to delete it without login. Keeping copies of texts or calls in the account may be a securty issue considering that text messages may be a part of a multi-factor auth or contain other sensitive data. I asked for this feature years ago via support.
2. Please add an option to send notification of incoming calls even if they don't leave a voicemail.
3. Please add an option to bulk delete messages by selecting multiple messages in on the website.
Hi Vook, thank you for your suggestions and for your explanation as to why they are important. For options 1 and 2 we can definitely consider these.
I will say that for #3 we just developed an internal bulk delete tool when customers ask for this. You can contact support and a member of our team can help with this. I think at some point we will make this generally available to customers.0
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