After you authorize your port-in request, the only thing left to do is wait. It's only natural to want a status check or two during that time. You're wondering, "Has my number ported yet? Where is my number in the process? When will it be done? When can I finally stop paying my expensive phone bill?"
This article explains the stages of the porting process and how to tell what's happening with your number.
Stage One: Under Review
If you upload a COB to authorize your transfer request, a member of our Number Support Team will need to take a look at it prior to sending it off to your carrier. A port that is "under review" is waiting to be looked at. We'll send you an email with the subject line "Transfer Authorized" when this stage is complete.
Stage Two: Processing
Our system is preparing your request to send to your losing carrier.
Stage Three: Pending
We have sent the request to your losing carrier. We are waiting for them to accept or reject it based on the information you submitted. This part of the process usually takes 3 to 10 business days.
Stage Three and a Half: Carrier Rejection
If your losing carrier rejects our port-in request, we'll send you an email with the subject line "Problem Transferring." Make sure you review that email to find out the reason your losing carrier provided. Then, read the article below to find out how to move forward:
My port-in request was rejected. How can I resolve this?
Stage Four: Approved
When your losing carrier accepts your port-in request, we'll send you an email with the subject line "Transfer Approved." Yay! If you look at the number in your account, it will have a little yellow banner that says "APPROVED," and you'll be able to see the FOC, or the date on which the number is scheduled to transfer into your account.
Stage Five: Port-In Complete
When you receive the email with the subject line "Transfer Complete," you'll know the number has moved fully into the barn. Check out the following article for your next steps:
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