Are you looking to enable a transfer lock to prevent your number from being ported out to a different carrier?
Use the Transfer Lock.
The transfer lock is a “freeze” on a number to prevent porting your number away from us to a new service provider. If the transfer lock is enabled, we will work to reject the port out request, even if all supplied credentials are correct. By default, this setting is disabled.
Transfer Lock is offered as a courtesy and is NOT guaranteed. We use commercially reasonable efforts to block port-outs when enabling the Transfer Lock feature. Telephone numbers may port out due to legal action, regulatory requirements, slamming, carrier policy or decision, or due to other circumstances beyond our control.
To enable or disable the transfer lock, follow these instructions:
- Log in to your account
- Select Numbers from the navigation bar
- Select your number
- Select the Port Out tab
- Click Enable Transfer Lock
- Toggle the on/off switch
- Save your change
NOTE: The transfer lock must be disabled in order for your number to move from one provider to another. If you enable the transfer lock and request a port away, your port might be rejected. Please disable the transfer lock, allow 24 hours for the setting to complete and then resubmit your transfer request with your new provider.
**Please also note that the transfer lock currently is not available for Canadian numbers.**
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